You have questions? Here are some answers.

How can I improve the condition of my soil?

Soil profile tests will accurately assess the type of soil you have. Generally, the dominant particle type will tell you what type of soil you have. 

Why does my soil dry rapidly?

This indicates the inability of your soil type to retain moisture. Increasing the organic matter content will assist your soil to retain moisture. It is best to irrigate at a cool time of day because water evaporates more quickly when the temperature is high. 

What are soil microorganisms and what do they do?

There are numerous microorganisms in soil such as bacteria and fungi. Different types of microorganisms can play a significant role in the health of the soil. The fine balance between harmful and beneficial organisms is affected by the actions a farmer takes. These organisms play important roles in the decomposition of organic matter, in protecting plants against diseases and pests, and making nutrients available for plants to use.

A farmer told me to rest my soil. Is this true?

Resting often refers to crop rotation. Rotating the types of crops grown in the soil helps to prevent the depletion of certain nutrients and an increase of pathogens. Resting can also refer to growing a cover crop on the soil such as legumes (because they fix nitrogen in the soil). Cover crops can be grazed by livestock or incorporated into the soil.

What is the purpose of mulching?

There are various types of mulches, each with its own benefit and purpose. Mulching helps to maintain a constant soil temperature, helps to suppress the growth of weeds, and helps to retain soil moisture by reducing evaporation.

Can I simply add kitchen waste to my soil instead of compost?

Preferably not. You can make a compost bed in your garden and allow the material to become well composted before you add it to the soil. Fresh manure and peels can burn your crops because they have not yet decomposed properly.

How do I know when my soil has enough moisture?

It depends on the crop and the stage of a plant’s development. Soil with plenty of organic matter tends to hold moisture, meaning that it needs less watering.  

What is the difference between compost and chemical fertiliser?

Compost is the product that remains when organic material has decomposed. Chemical fertilizers may disturb the soil and the living organisms within it.  

Which crops are ideal for clayey soils?

Lettuce, chard, snap beans, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, and cabbage grow well in clayey soil. Adding compost assists clayey soil to drain better, which makes it suitable for a wider variety of crops.

How does water quality affect soil?

Water quality can affects soil in many different ways. For example, water with too much soluble salt is likely to result in salt accumulating around the roots of plants.

Why do farmers burn vegetation before the planting season?

Instead of tilling the soil, farmers can burn plant stalks of the previous season that remain on the land in order to protect the new crop from any diseases, weeds, or pests. Burning also destroys the beneficial residues of the previous season’s stalks. 

Why do some farmers till and others not? 

The purpose of tilling is to aerate soil so that water and fertilizer can reach the root zone of plants. Farmers who do not till argue that tilling compacts the soil, making it more prone to erosion.