Moja Academy Blog
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Content-to-Conversation (C2C) indicates the shift from a market that drew consumers to content (think websites and mobile apps), to a market where content must follow consumers if it is to be relevant (think messaging).
When you walk by two restaurants, one busy, the other empty, which one do you choose to sit down at for a meal? The busy one, right?
It has become evident to global researchers over the last decade that digital technologies are the key factor of a good-jobs strategy for African countries.
Small-holder farmers need to learn climate smart agricultural practices, and they need to be able to trade in wider circles, even as they take simultaneous steps to become more resilient to climate shocks.
Moja’s pivot to the agriculture sector and direct-to-farmer Climate-Smart Agriculture training through Moja Academy may seem to the casual observer like a sudden and sharp deviation in strategy, but it’s rather the cumulative effect of a long process of trial and error of operating the Moja app in Africa.

Social Commerce: From Content to Conversation
Content-to-Conversation (C2C) indicates the shift from a market that drew consumers to content (think websites and mobile apps), to a market where content must follow consumers if it is to be relevant (think messaging).